Posts Tagged ‘for’

Pete Kofod
The Dollar Vigilante
January 24, 2012

Here at TDV fascism is frequently referred to as the increasingly prevalent form of government in the West. We recognize that this conjures strong emotions and we often get a few angry emails voicing displeasure with our characterization of their homeland. We understand that the word fascism is an emotionally charged word and we do not use it lightly.

We recognize, however, that we have never taken the time to define it completely nor place it within the context of our communications (although Jeff did compare the USA to the dictionary definition of “fascism” in “The Fasco-Communist Police State of America”). As such, we have fallen victim to one of our own cardinal sins; letting somebody else control the thoughts by controlling the definition of the words used to define those thoughts. To make matters worse, by default, we have relegated the responsibility of defining those words to two of the most criminally complicit estates in our society, namely the educational system and mass media. It is time to address this oversight.





Tuesday, January 24, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) There is a growing body of scientific evidence which proves that genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) are inherently different from natural organisms, including the way the body processes them, as well as how the immune system responds to them. But Monsanto, the largest purveyor of GMOs in the world, believes that GMOs are no different than natural organisms, and that GMO testing is both needless and valueless.

In the Why aren’t you running human clinical trials on GM crops? section of Monsanto’s Food Safety page, the biotechnology giant explains its opinion that GMOs are “substantially equivalent” to natural organisms. According to Monsanto, since concentrations of proteins, carbohydrates, and other nutrient factors vary among natural crops, as well as among natural and GM crops, then these differences are automatically unimportant in light of GMO safety.

Furthermore, Monsanto claims that its injection of foreign DNA into its GM crops is also automatically safe because, get this, DNA is present in natural crops as well. Never mind that the injected DNA is foreign and unnatural, and is used to alter the entire genetic structure of GM crops — according to Monsanto, its unnatural DNA is automatically non-toxic because every other plant also has DNA. Case closed.


Monday, January 23, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) “Will vaccinate my baby for food!” That seems to be the goal of a program launched last year by the UnitedHealthcare health insurance company of Michigan. It has resorted to enticing parents with junk food to convince them to inject their infants with potentially deadly vaccines containing brain-damaging chemicals. This has been revealed in a letter acquired by NaturalNews and signed by Stephanie Esters, a vaccine-pushing RN who works for UnitedHealthcare.

The letter declares “Get a FREE $20 McDonalds, Rite Aid, Target or Meijer Gift Card when your child gets recommended shots before their second birthday.” It even goes on to offer a “FREE ride to the doctor” for those who are so poor that they don’t own cars.


Monday, January 23, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

The real problem with the name “rapeseed oil” is that the oil was so toxic that the FDA banned it for human consumption in 1956. So when Canadian growers bred a new variety of rapeseed in the 1970s with a lower content of the toxic erucic acid, they decided they needed a new name for it.

The term canola was coined from “Canadian oil, low acid” to convince consumers that this oil was safe to eat. And while “canola” was originally a registered trademark, the term became so widely known that the trademark was eventually abandoned, and “canola” became the default term in many countries for any low-erucic rapeseed oil.

Canola oil is a very effective insecticide, and it is the primary ingredient in many “organic” (non-chemical) pesticide control products sprayed on vegetables to kill bugs. I covered this in my “canola oil pesticide” video:


Monday, January 23, 2012 by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) It seems almost too absurd to be true, but in the land of leviathan government, where the layers of bureaucracy are so intertwined it is impossible to navigate them, comes the revelation that the U.S. government has now taken to fining companies for not using a required product that doesn’t even exist.

In 2011 scores of oil companies had to pay a total of $6.8 million in fines because they didn’t mix a special type of biofuel into their gasoline and diesel fuels. It wasn’t that the companies were trying to escape the requirement; it’s just that, outside of a few labs and workshops, the product – cellulosic biofuel – is a myth.

The substance is made from wood chips and inedible parts of corn cobs. The government, in its infinite wisdom, required oil refineries to blend in 6.6 million gallons of cellulosic biofuel into gasoline and diesel fuel last year, and 8.65 million gallons this year. But since there is no cellulosic biofuel to be had, oil companies can expect to have to pay more in fines in 2012.

And you wonder why, despite falling demand, you are still paying three bucks a gallon for gas (and more for diesel).


Daily Bell
January 22, 2012

By now, people who use the Internet seriously, and even plenty who don’t, are aware of the arrest of six-foot-seven, 300-pound Kim Dotcom, an outsize figure in the business of facilitating Internet downloads.

The problem with his company, Megauploads, according to the US Justice Department and the FBI that carried out the arrest, is that his brainchild allowed users to traffic in “stolen” – copyrighted – entertainment on which no royalties had been paid.

In this article, I’ll comment on the arrest of Kim Dotcom and try to show how this one action is actually the beginning of an entirely new phase of what we may call the Internet Wars.


Source: Washington Times

BUENOS AIRES — Off the coast of Rio de Janeiro — below a mile of water and two miles of shifting rock, sand and salt — is an ultradeep sea of oil that could turn Brazil into the world’s fourth-largest oil producer, behind Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United States.

The country’s state-controlled oil company, Petrobras, expects to pump 4.9 million barrels a day from the country’s oil fields by 2020, with 40 percent of that coming from the seabed. One and a half million barrels will be bound for export markets.

The United States wants it, but China is getting it.

Less than a month after President Obama visited Brazil in March to make a pitch for oil, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff was off to Beijing to sign oil contracts with two huge state-owned Chinese companies.

The deals are part of a growing oil relationship between the two countries that, thanks to a series of billion-dollar agreements, is giving China greater influence over Brazil’s oil frontier.

Chinese oil companies are pushing to meet mandatory expansion targets by inking deals across Africa and Latin America, but they are especially interested in Brazil.

“With the Lula and Carioca discoveries alone, Brazil added a possible 38 billion barrels of estimated recoverable oil,” said Luis Giusti, a former president of Venezuela’s state oil company, PDVSA, referring to the new Brazilian oil fields.


If you’re planning on bartering emergency stockpiles and supplies in the event of a disaster then be sure to check applicable state and Federal laws or you may end up being the subject of a sting operation, as was the case with Chad Gerondale of Alaska.

Bartering may have been a necessary trade practiced by the earliest of our human ancestors, but in a society where central planning and control is the status quo, even the exchange of food or services becomes an illegal act:


Kevin Hayden –
Update at end –

In a follow-up to my recent interview on Adam vs. the Man, it would appear as though many police officers within the New Orleans Police Department are … upset … with what I said. I’ve received threats, comments, condemning messages, and more from many officers that I once considered friends or colleagues. The subject and rhetoric of many of these messages resonates with cognitive dissonance, suggesting that I’m the bad guy for talking about these subjects, or that I have an agenda by speaking out against the police state.

Well, they are partially correct. My agenda is to awaken the average person to just how corrupt their police department truly is. It is truly unfathomable for most, including some police officers. They have blinders on, not even recognizing the injustices that they perpetrate. I have found that the common person is shocked by what I once considered a daily routine, or normal practice, as a police officer and that needs to change. Light needs to be cast upon the shadows within law enforcement, and especially within the ranks of the New Orleans Police Department. It is truly more corrupt than even Hollywood portrays it as….


Eric Blair
Activist Post

The cyber war escalated to a whole new level yesterday. The U.S. government shut down the popular website MegaUpload at the behest of corporate interests. The Feds accused MegaUpload of stealing $500 million in potential lost revenue from copyright holders.

Almost immediately, the hacktivist group Anonymous retaliated by launching massive DDoS attacks on several websites including the US Copyright Office, Department of Justice,, Universal Music Group, Music Picture Association of America, and the Recording Industry Association of America. The attack called “Operation MegaUpload” is also said to be targeting


The Economic Collapse
Thursday, January 19, 2012

The warning signs are all around us. All we have to do is open up our eyes and look at them. Almost every single day there are more prominent voices in the financial world telling us that a massive economic crisis is coming and that we need to prepare for the worst.


On Wednesday, it was the World Bank itself that issued a very chilling warning. In an absolutely startling report, the World Bank revised GDP growth estimates for 2012 downward very sharply, warned that Europe could be on the verge of a devastating financial crisis, and declared that the rest of the world better “prepare for the worst.” You would expect to hear this kind of thing on The Economic Collapse Blog, but this is not the kind of language that you would normally expect to hear from the stuffed suits at the World Bank. Obviously things have gotten bad enough that nobody is even really trying to deny it anymore. Andrew Burns, the lead author of the report, said that if the sovereign debt crisis gets even worse we could be looking at an economic crisis that could be even worse than the last one: “An escalation of the crisis would spare no-one. Developed- and developing-country growth rates could fall by as much or more than in 2008/09.” Burns also stated that the “importance of contingency planning cannot be stressed enough.” In other words, Burns is saying that it is time to prepare for the worst. So are you ready?


Kurt Nimmo
January 18, 2012

NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly told CBS in New York his department is looking to deploy Terahertz Imaging Detection scanners on the street in the war on “illegal guns.”

Kelly said the scanners would be used in “reasonably suspicious circumstances” and intended to cut down on the number of stop-and-frisks on the street. So called stop-and-frisks are considered a violation of the Fourth Amendment.

New York City is largely a Second Amendment free zone. The city’s mayor, Michael Bloomberg, has said that citizens “acting outside of any governmental military effort” should not be allowed to protect themselves with firearms.


Despite numerous reports this week suggesting that the TSA is to buy equipment to test employees for radiation exposure, the agency itself says it has no intention of doing so.

The LA Times reported that the agency was planning to equip its security officers with individual radiation dosimeters, to test the levels of radiation they were being exposed to from backscatter x-ray body scanners.

“After years of rebuffing health concerns over airport scanners, the Transportation Security Administration plans to conduct new tests on the potential radiation exposure from the machines at more than 100 airports nationwide,” the report read.

Details of the tests were reportedly leaked via a request sent to government vendors to provide wearable dosimeters.

However, a post from the TSA’s official blog says that the Times report “missed the mark”

“Why the confusion you might ask? TSA routinely puts out Requests for Information (RFI) that are basically market research, asking industry to tell us what else is out there.” the blog post noted.

“In this case, TSA put out an RFI to gather information on available tools to continue to monitor our technologies. This is simply designed to ask industry what new technology might be available.”

The blog then repeated the claim that the body scanning machines have been tested and approved.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012 by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) Stories about overreach from Washington, D.C. abound, but just when you think you’ve heard them all comes yet another that makes you shake your head in disbelief and wonder just whom is supposed to be working for whom in this grand old Republic of ours.

Taking into account that most of us want clean air, fresh water to drink and a sustainable environment – and that government has a role to play in ensuring these resources are preserved – there comes a point where that role grows well beyond its original intent and begins to infringe on the constitutional rights of the citizens. Just ask Mike and Chantell Sackett, who are battling the leviathan Environmental Protection Agency just to be able to build a home on land they bought years ago in Idaho.

They bought all of the permits. They spent thousands of dollars preparing the land. But just as they were ready to begin construction, the EPA swooped in, pronounced their property a wetlands (even though it sits in the middle of a residential neighborhood that contains sewer lines and scores of other homes) and issued a compliance order calling on them to return the land to its original state or face daily fines of $37,500 per day.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Regardless of whether the Republicans or Democrats occupy the White House, federal regulatory officials continue to disregard concerns about genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), and stonewall all efforts to mandate proper GMO labeling. As a result, individual states are having to craft their own GMO labeling legislation, including a new bill recently introduced in Washington State that would mandate GMO labeling beginning in 2014.

The Epoch Times reports that Washington State Senator Maralyn Chase has sponsored a new bill that would require both raw GMOs and processed foods containing GMOs to be properly labeled beginning July 2014. Any food product containing GMOs will have to bear a list outlining which ingredients are natural and which ingredients are GMO. Several other GMO labeling bills have also been introduced in the state legislature.

“People have the right to know what they’re eating,” said Sen. Chase about her bill. She has reportedly been working for years to address the GMO labeling issue, noting that it is a “question of transparency and accountability.”


Via: Los Angeles Times:

After years of rebuffing health concerns over airport scanners, the Transportation Security Administration plans to conduct new tests on the potential radiation exposure from the machines at more than 100 airports nationwide.

But the TSA does not plan to retest the machines or passengers. Instead, the agency plans to test its airport security officers to see if they are being exposed to dangerous levels of radiation while working with the scanners.

News of the test leaked out after the TSA issued a request last month to government vendors to provide wearable, personal dosimeters, devices that measure exposure to radiation.


Activist Post

Can Bank of America foreclose on a homeowner without showing any evidence that their client actually owns the promissory note?

Can a Mortgage-Backed Security sue for damages after they have already been made whole through credit default swaps and a negotiated settlement with the originator of the security?

One Georgia couple is about to find out. They’ve filed a civil action against Bank of America claiming they were “induced” to default on their loan in order to qualify for a mortgage modification program.

Like so many others in their situation, they followed instructions to the letter only to have Bank of America renege and commence foreclosure proceedings.


Bev Harris
Black Box Voting
January 15, 2012

In a major step towards global centralization of election processes, the world’s dominant Internet voting company has purchased the USA’s dominant election results reporting company.

When you view your local or state election results on the Internet, on portals which often appear to be owned by the county elections division, in over 525 US jurisdictions you are actually redirected to a private corporate site controlled by SOE software, which operates under the name

The good news is that this firm promptly reports precinct-level detail in downloadable spreadsheet format. As reported by in 2008, the bad news is that this centralizes one middleman access point for over 525 jurisdictions in AL, AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, KY, MI, KS, IL, IN, NC, NM, MN, NY, SC, TX, UT, WA. And growing.


Monday, January 16, 2012 by: Mike Bundrant

(NaturalNews) In what is being called a critical update of the current literature, Ulrich Hegerl, MD, of the University of Leipzig in Germany summarizes what current scientific studies have revealed regarding the efficacy of anti-depressant medication in treating mild depression. What does the research add up to? Nothing.

That’s right. Zip. Dr. Hegerl’s analysis included the review of eight separate random clinical trials, the sum of which “does not provide evidence for the efficacy of antidepressants in patients with minor depression.”

In his summary, the doctor concluded that while many do not consider mild depression to be a serious condition, it is marked by significant personal suffering and loss of quality of life, and increased risk of suicide. Dr. Hegerl declares, “Effective treatments are urgently needed.”

If anti-depressant medication is not proven, why is it so popular?


January 14, 2012

The recession ruined Linda Ruggles’ business and she has been selling plasma twice a week since to make ends meet. The blood bank couldn’t bail her out from behind bars though, which is where she ended up after she couldn’t pay a $480 fine.

That fine, say cops in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, came about because Linda Ruggles had a messy yard.

Barely getting by in recent years, Ruggles, 53, has been stockpiling scraps to pawn off in order to make her bill payments. In her yard rests a pile of metal that she routinely cashes in to get by. Elsewhere outside her house is a shack of shingles. Paying to have her roof fixed, often a job that comes at a cost of several thousand dollars, has been out of the question.

So when cops ticketed her $480 for having a messy yard, Ruggles wasn’t exactly prepared to pay it.

“I told everyone, ‘If I had $480 to pay the fine, I’d fix the roof,’”‘ she told Charleston, South Carolina ‘s Post and Courier.

Ruggles couldn’t fix the roof, however, and she couldn’t pay the fine either. For being unable to do so, she was sentenced to serve 10 days in jail for failing to pay her “clean lot violation.”

“I feel like they want to make an example out of me,” Ms Ruggles tells the paper. “This should be an embarrassment for the town of Mount Pleasant. And it should be an embarrassment for my neighbors who called the code enforcement officer, because no one offered to help me – no one.”