Posts Tagged ‘Now’

– People remember where to look up information – not the info itself
– People actively forget information if they think they can look it up later
– Tests on how people remembered items they would normally Google

Rob Waugh
Mail Online
January 24, 2012

The Internet is becoming our main source of memory instead of our own brains, a study has concluded.

In the age of Google, our minds are adapting so that we are experts at knowing where to find information even though we don’t recall what it is.

The researchers found that when we want to know something we use the Internet as an ‘external memory’ just as computers use an external hard drive.

Nowadays we are so reliant on our smart phones and laptops that we go into ‘withdrawal when we can’t find out something immediately’.


Doctors have questioned the effectiveness and safety of the main drug used to treat pandemic flu

Thomas Moore
Sky News
January 18, 2012

The Department of Health maintains a Tamiflu stockpile to treat around 30 million people, at a cost of around £500m.

But doctors at the Cochrane Collaboration assessed 16,000 pages of clinical trial data and said there were “critical questions about how well the drug works and about its reported safety profile”.

Researcher Dr Carl Heneghan told Sky News: “What you are looking at in any drug is ‘what are the benefits and what are the harms?’. 

“Right now, without access to the evidence, we are not in a position to say the benefits clearly outweigh the harms.”


Sayer Ji, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

The Polio Global Eradication Initiative (PGEI), founded in 1988 by the World Health Organization, Rotary International, UNICEF, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, holds up India as a prime example of its success at eradicating polio, stating on its website (Jan. 11 2012) that “India has made unprecedented progress against polio in the last two years and on 13 January, 2012, India will reach a major milestone — a 12-month period without any case of polio being recorded.”

This report, however, is highly misleading, as an estimated 100-180 Indian children are diagnosed with vaccine-associated polio paralysis (VAPP) each year. In fact, the clinical presentation of the disease, including paralysis, caused by VAPP is indistinguishable from that caused by wild polioviruses, making the PGEI’s pronouncements all the more suspect.


Thanks to honest science we know the truth. We now know that Global Warming is the precursor to Global Cooling–poor Al Gore needs to be put on suicide watch, if someone ever tells him.

“The scientists got their results by examining ancient lake sediments exposed by modern open-cast mining in Russia and Germany. They believe that the end of the Eemian interglacial epoch saw “possibly at least two” warming events, according to a statement issued by the UFZ.

If History is to be our guide, the long past period of Global Warming has nothing to do with greenhouse gases, nor are high levels of CO2 delaying the next ice age. What is most likely is the natural fluctuations of global temperatures are an indication that things are about to get much colder around here (which might be worth it just to see Al Gore flip out). ”

Now we can repeal AB 32 before more damage is done to the economy?


Sayer Ji, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

A recently published study in the Journal of Environmental Radioactivity confirms that the radioactive fallout from the Fukushima nuclear disaster reached Europe (Lithuania), and included plutonium, the most deadly manmade element (nanogram for nanogram) in existence.

According to the study’s authors the radionuclide concentrations measured indicate there was “long-range air mass transport from Japan across the Pacific, the North America and the Atlantic Ocean to Central Europe as indicated by modelling.”