Posts Tagged ‘Beach’

Police arrested 6 others last year on same charge

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. – An 18-year-old Daytona Beach man was arrested after he violated a city ordinance by spitting on a sidewalk, which police said created an unsanitary environment for others in the area.

According to Daytona Beach police, Austin Kennedy was walking in the 700 block of North Grandview Avenue when an officer saw him “pressing his lips together and creating saliva.” Kennedy then “with force discharged the saliva from his mouth,” according to police.


Palm Beach sugar barons Pepe and Alfy Fanjul, who lavish both the Republican and Democratic parties with millions in contributions, were accused of trying to sabotage U.S. foreign policy and corrupting foreign politicians in diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks.

While the U.S. government has spent millions in farm subsidies on the Fanjuls, the Cuban expats allegedly tried to torpedo the CAFCA free-trade agreement in the mid-2000s because it was expected to threaten their bottom line. Eventually passed, CAFCA established a free-trade zone that included the USA, the Caribbean and Central America.